how to avoid hair damage at all times

How to Avoid Hair Damage – The Must Knows

If you’re one of those who have to travel a lot, you would know how difficult it is to maintain your hair. There is a lot that you can do, including taking a shampoo daily but it can be difficult to protect your hair from getting dry and rough if you do not follow a proper regimen. So, what do you do to avoid hair damage? What are the important essentials in combating hair damage?

hair salon

Hair damage – a story most women relate to

Your hair forms a very important part of your body and needs utmost care and attention to stay healthy over the years. Though it is true that using the right kind of hair products can work wonders for your hair and give you longer, stronger and healthier hair locks, it is also necessary to save your hair from any kind of damage at all times.

  • Handle with care – Your hair needs very gentle handling on a daily basis. Comb or brush your hair softly without being vigorous at least 3 to 4 times a day. Use a brush which has enough space between each blade so that your hair does not get tugged while using it. Closely bladed combs can loosen the grip your scalp has on the hair and result in hair fall.
  • Eat well – A well-balanced diet can be of great help in keeping your hair healthy and avoid damage. Focus on a protein-rich diet as your hair is mainly made up of protein and this helps in hair growth and easy maintenance of the same. Raisins help to make your hair flexible and also prevent breakage so try incorporating them in your daily diet. Focus on fresh fruits and green vegetables which are loaded with vitamins and minerals and offer the same to your hair and scalp.
  • Avoid use of heating tools – Heating tools such as hair irons can cause immense damage to your hair as they burn strands of hair, make them weak and more prone to hair fall. Avoid using heating tools as much as you can.
  • Increase water intake – Water helps to flush out toxins and waste materials from the body and also keeps our scalp healthy. Also, nutrients reach your hair quickly with more water intake. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water every day without fail. Also consume fresh fruit juices, coconut water and buttermilk every day.

At the hairdresser's.

  • Tie hair loosely – Avoid wearing those hairstyles like that of ponytails, braids or buns which tie your hair very tightly. Such hairstyles will pull the hair and prevent them from growing freely. Always tie your hair loosely, especially when you sleep at night.
  • Apply oil – Apply oil to your hair 2 to 3 times a week as it provides luster to your hair and also strengthens the hair fibers. Coconut or almond oil is best for hair and should be left overnight for best results.
  • Use mild hair products – Use a mild shampoo and conditioner on your hair and try to use the ones which contain natural ingredients instead of harmful chemicals. Also do not shampoo your hair more than 2 times a week as this may weaken the hair strands and rip the hair of its natural oils.

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