Beauty Makeup

How to Do a Flawless Cat Eye

Cat eye makeup

Cat eyes, ever since they were first introduced into the world of women’s cosmetics, have been a major go-to beautification effect practiced by countless women everywhere, and they have never lost their appeal, though much of all other type of trending cosmetic effects have changed through the years. When it comes to dramatic representations of cat eyes, perhaps no one can ever top Amy Winehouse’s contemporary version. Leading stars of the Hollywood past who were known to rarely if ever be seen without cat eyes were Brigit Bardot, Sophia Loren, Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe. Then more recent stars like Ms. Winehouse, Grace Jones, Diana Ross and Taylor Swift make sure to apply their favorite brand of eyeliner in the form of cat eye distinction before their public appearances.

New Ease For Cat Eye Perfection
Truly, one of the most classic eye effects ever, the ease of creating the perfect cat eyes has not always been as easy nor as smooth as it is today. For many years, eyeliner was in liquid form, with a rather crudely fashioned application brush, which made achieving the perfect line and precise end points really difficult. With many innovations to perfect the whole eye lining process, women can now line their eyes with a variety of smoothly gliding applicators, some of which come in the most minimalist sizes, for impressive detailing and precision. And as the cat eye effect is known to produce a visibly recognizable lift to the eye, many mature women can create for themselves a younger appearance by adding cat eyes to their makeup routine. And with eyelashes becoming thinner with age, the lined eyes give the impression of fuller lashes at the same time.

Many Improvements to Make Eye-lining Easier and More Attractive
Some markers are felt tipped markers, and some feature brushes that are designed with a slightly angled advantage. Gels are way superior to the liquid liners used to create the early cat effects. Still, even though they are now far easier to do, there are a few tips that can help with producing the best cat eyes. Leading makeup artists usually begin by first curling the lashes, after which they apply oil free foundation or eyeshadow primer on their upper lids, to create a surface that will provide the liner with optimum “cling” power and won’t allow any line edges to bleed.

Taylor Swift, cat eyes makeup
Everett Collection /

Choose the Cat Eye Effect That’s Right For You
The cat eye can be applied in full-blown dramatic effects–think Amy Winehouse–just as well as being added in a much more subtle manner. It does not have to be outright dramatic to enhance the eye. It’s good to spend some time practicing the different levels of drama you can achieve with your cat eyes, and pick the one that most complements your eyes and your look. The easiest liners to work with are going to be those that provide the thinnest applicators or tips, and especially when you are going for a more subtle ambiance.

The Process
So after curling the lashes and applying a foundation layer, you can begin to line your eyes. Particularly when you are just starting out, it’ll go a lot better if you can brace yourself on something stationary, and especially the arm/hand you’ll be using to apply the liner with, before you begin. Make your first sweep a thin one. You can always come back to add line volume. Due to the different angles of the two eyes, some women find that it takes a little practice before they are able to create the same looking line on both eyes.

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